Monday, January 31, 2011

Borges Reader Response

After, reading Borges stories I realized his readings are not so easy to understand, if comparing them to Cortazar’s readings and Marquez readings. With Borges readings I had to read them twice just to understand them, and I had to dig deeper. Borges readings are not direct they take more analyzing.
When I read “The Gardening of Forking Paths” I was confused and completely puzzled. After I got a better understanding I realize that the story was about time and about having different realities. In the story Albert believes there are many futures and say’s “Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures. In one of them I am your enemy.” However, Albert states “The future already exists, but I am your friend.”  When I read this part of the story, it got me thinking about how there are many decisions someone can make, and either they can make the right decision or the wrong decision. Then, I thought about how God already knows the decisions someone will make, before they make them. I also, thought about how in the Bible it mentions God will come like a thief in the night and destroy all evil, then paradise will come. It made me think about how in the world I’m living in now there are some people who have enemies, but in paradise the people who are enemies will become friends.
I did enjoy “Emma Zuntz.” Reading this story made me realize I would fight for my family. I would be furious if anyone hurt them or tried to kill them. I have to say after reading this story I could feel Emma’s pain. I have lost people I cared about and it sucks.  
Reading “The Gospel According Mark” I have never experienced anything like in this story. I did enjoy the reading and I felt it was a good lesson to learn.
Overall, all of Borges readings were art because I was able to interpret them and come up with different themes for each of them.

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